Political / Economic Ramblings
I believe it might be helpful to me if I write down when I find something of a political/economic nature that appeals to me and perhaps try to figure out a little bit better what I believe.

When I was a child one of my teachers, maybe Mr Jacobs, told my parents that I felt rules didn't apply to me. Well, I suppose in a way he was right. It's not that I don't think they apply to me. Rules are made by people for various reasons.
Laws may be:
  • Good, important, fair, useful and needed.
  • Good idea but poorly thought out, making them unfair and possibly bad.
  • Good, or at least not really bad, but unimportant or useless.
  • Stupid, useless, "why did they bother" or maybe even bizarre.
  • Bad.
Laws are changed all the time. Even religious laws are changed or "reinterpreted".

I took a bigger test at http://www.politicalcompass.org/ and they put me at Left-Libertarian. You can see it here.
The certificate for it is here.

I took the World's Smallest Political Quiz and it said ...
You fall exactly on the border
of two political philosophies...